Hanken’s annual international alumni event held at the Helsinki EU Office in Brussels
Hanken School of Economics’ annual International Alumni Day was held on 4 October at the Helsinki EU Office in Brussels. About 50 people participated in the event. This was Hanken’s 15th Alumni Day abroad and the second one in Brussels. Hanken thanks the Helsinki EU Office warmly for helping with the arrangements!
The event started with Rector Ingmar Björkman’s presentation on what is up at Hanken followed by Director Janne Leino’s greeting from the Helsinki EU Office. Hanken researchers Hanna Silvola, Mikael Laakso and Kaisa Penttilä shared their latest research with the audience. Kaisa Penttilä also discussed with Eero Ailio (Advisor, EC, DG Energy) and Pedro Mendes (Policy Officer, Clean Hydrogen, EC R&I) how to boost green transition through local Hydrogen Valleys. The evening was rounded up with cocktails and networking.
Link to the picture gallery(avautuu uuteen ikkunaan, siirryt toiseen palveluun)